Latest news - Sharedien

News from Sharedien


Adiuva Capital becomes co-shareholder of Sharedien AG

We are pleased to announce our current investment in Advellence Solutions AG & Sharedien AG....


Trilux Digital Solutions becomes new partner of Sharedien

We are pleased to announce that we have entered into a new partnership with Trilux Digital Solutions!


ETH Zurich & Brix IT & Sharedien

As the central university library and knowledge hub of ETH Zurich, the ETH Library offers ...


Sharedien 3.15 Release Notes

Sharedien's latest version 3.15 is available now. With a wide set of new features and completely redesigned user interface.


Cognizant Europe new GSI partner for Sharedien, the Swiss Made DAM

We are pleased to partner with Cognizant and join forces in the future for a sustainable and robust...


Communication Pro &

The Finnish company Communication Pro complements its portfolio with the
swiss made Digital Asset Management Sharedien and thus offers for the first time...


Precio Fishbone becomes new partner of Sharedien

We are pleased to partner with Precio Fishbone in Sweden to leverage the synergies with the core Digital Asset Management....


Beiersdorf AG
Video Use Case

Join us at Beiersdorf AG in Hamburg at the NIVEA content production and experience how Jasmin Quellmann, Head of Studio NX and her team work with ...


Now in Microsoft's Azure Marketplace & App Source

As of now, our Digital Asset Management Sharedien is also available as a Cloud Ready Solution via the Microsoft Azure Cloud ...


Extending partnerships with Swisscom and Microsoft

We are pleased to announce the expansion of our long-standing cooperation with Swisscom and Microsoft. From now on, our Digital Asset Management Sharedien...

smintiosharedien &
Sharedien say
"Goodbye media break"

We are pleased to announce a new partnership with which is the world's first enterprise ...


CI HUB: accelerate your creative workflow

The intelligent connection between the CI HUB Connectors for Adobe CC and Microsoft 365 and our DAM system Sharedien accelerates the ...


Microsoft opens the
"German Cloud

The two data centers in the Berlin and Frankfurt regions went into operation today. In addition to the possibility of data geo-redundant...


New partnership with Magnitude Software Inc.

Advellence Solutions AG, a leading Swiss IT company specializing in strategic and operational IT solutions, and Magnitude Software Inc. ...


Top results
for Sharedien

Evaluation of the analyst house TGOA This year, the analyst house "The Group of Analysts" again certifies the self-developed Digital Asset Management...


Microsoft opens two data centers in Switzerland!

For us, the Microsoft Cloud Data Centers are an investment in Switzerland - for Switzerland. In discussions with our customers, it is quite clear...


Performance as
its best

No Way! Advellence is off to an energetic start to the third season. This is also the view of the German market research institute The Group of Analysts ...

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