OPEN 24/7 - Microsoft opens the "German Cloud

More data security, data sovereignty and business continuity

OPEN 24/7 - Microsoft opens the "German Cloud

The two data centres in the Berlin and Frankfurt regions went into operation today. In addition to the possibility of storing data in a geo-redundant manner, Microsoft now also offers local data storage - which significantly increases data security, data sovereignty and business continuity for German companies. As of now, various Azure Services & Functions are available. Office 365, Dynamics 365 and Power Platform will follow immediately.

Through the German data centre regions, the data is stored and processed in Germany, but these are also connected to Microsoft's global cloud networks at the same time. Microsoft is committed to complying with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for the use of cloud services. This means your data is in safe hands.

A considerable improvement is also achieved in terms of compliance. The compliance standards of Microsoft Cloud Germany are regulated by various audits. A large part of the audits is covered by existing audits (including ISO 27001/18 and SSAE16/ISAE 3402). Thus, the "German Cloud" helps companies and organisations to fulfil their respective regulatory obligations by verifiably complying with German laws and international standards.

As a result, it can be stated that the Microsoft Cloud Germany provides German companies and organisations with the required security and the prescribed legal framework - which is decisive for economic success.

Advellence is a designated Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) and thus a direct sales partner of the Microsoft Cloud "Azure" as well as a certified Microsoft Gold Partner. We are therefore pleased to be able to offer our German customers the option of running their applications in Germany and storing their data locally and geo-redundantly.

Contact us - we would be happy to show you how your company can benefit by migrating to the Microsoft Azure Cloud.

We look forward to your demo request

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