Digital Rights Management (DRM) - Sharedien

Always on the safe side
Excellent management of licensing information

ExplosionAssetsand formats

Companies that have a lot to do with images know how much more there is to these assets than simply assigning them to products, services or campaigns and different formats, sizes and crops. In most cases, images are sourced externally, so keeping a lot more information on them is important. Until when may the image be used? For which channel, in which countries? Who owns the image rights? What does the licence cost for which regions?

All rights at a glance

When using image data, it is important to always keep an eye on licences and image rights. For companies with a broad product range, international campaigns and many output channels, this is especially becoming a challenge.

  • All licences at a glance
  • Fully automated
  • without risks for legal disputes

One system for all information

Without a suitable system, it is impossible to maintain an overview here. That is why Sharedien maps all licensing information from A to Z that is necessary for effective and legally correct asset management. This includes licence duration, price lists, contact persons, rights holders such as photographers, models, artists and agencies, regional coverage of licences, costs by region, permitted media use and much more.

Finally a clear view of licence management

Thanks to the intelligent linking of this information and the intuitive user interface, Sharedien makes it particularly easy to maintain an overview and thus avoid breaches of contract, unlawful licence use and associated costly legal disputes. For each image and campaign, the user receives direct feedback on the licence status - for example, if the licence is about to expire or has already expired. This enables those responsible to react more quickly and proactively. The numerous filter options also generate valuable insights that can be important for campaign planning.

Active licence management with Sharedien

Companies can not only observe but actively take care of image licences: users can conveniently buy, extend and adjust licences via Sharedien and generate orders and invoices. For each licence, it is possible to determine in which countries the image may be used, for how long and for which target medium. Purchased licences can be attached to assets and campaigns and additional information and descriptions can be added. This gives those responsible a complete view of status of their digital assets at all times.


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Sharedien OCR - more efficiency in digital asset management with text-in-image search and automated tagging

Automatically indexing large volumes of images and thus giving employees more time for more important tasks? With Optical Character Recognition (OCR for short) [...]

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Criteria for choosing the right digital asset management software

Choosing the right digital asset management (DAM) software is an important decision that can have a significant impact on the efficiency and productivity of your marketing campaigns...

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Sharedien AI search: Find the right image faster with a clever asset search 

Artificial intelligence (AI for short) can help us in many areas of life - including digital asset management and the search for a specific asset.

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Contact address

Industriestrasse 50, 8304 Walisellen/Switzerland

Telephone number

+41 44 832 5030


We look forward to hearing from you


    What does Digital Rights Management mean?

    Digital Rights Management (DRM) is the management of licences and image rights related to the image and video data used in a company. Especially for companies with many products and international campaigns, a good overview of these issues is enormously important.

    What information is important in the context of digital rights management?

    When using images, photos, graphics and videos, a whole range of information plays an important role.
    information plays an important role. This includes, for example, the licence period, price lists,
    contact persons, rights holders such as photographers, models, artists and agencies, the regional
    regional coverage of licences, permitted media use and much more.

    How Sharedien supports Digital Rights Management

    In Sharedien, all licensing and image rights information is neatly stored and
    intelligently linked to the digital content. The licence status is reliably
    system reliably communicates the licence status so that it can react proactively when the licence expires. This helps
    Sharedien helps marketers to maintain an overview and thus avoid breaches of contract,
    illegal licence use and the associated costs and legal disputes.
    legal disputes.

    We look forward to your demo request

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