Digital Asset Management - Sharedien

Sharedien offers everything you expect from a
DAM solution - and much more!

Smart DAM

All assets linked together in a meaningful way

Rely on Sharedien's fully flexible and high-performance data model. Find and expand networked data universes at the touch of a button. Thanks to an intelligent metadata strategy tailored to your company, you can experience the future of smart digital asset management today.


A DAM system with brains

Streaming, storing, searching, managing, maintaining, organising - everyone who works with large quantities of digital assets such as images, videos or documents on a daily basis or who has to forward them to employees, customers, agencies and the press needs it.

  • Along your customer journey

    Thanks to the intelligent architecture, you have a whole range of touchpoints along the customer journey at your disposal - use them with the help of Sharedien to actively shape this journey.

  • Content par excellence

    Sharedien also relies on integration in the content creation process: the smooth connection of other systems completes the pool of possible content elements that can be put together in Sharedien to form a uniform and comprehensive communication.

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Search less, find more!

The Sharedien search is not limited to criteria such as output channels, formats, type, size or category - it also searches through your documents such as PDFs, PowerPoint presentations or Excel spreadsheets. This guarantees that nothing falls under the radar!


Sharedien shows you

Why a simple search is so important?

A powerful search function saves time

If 10 marketers spend two hours searching per week, that results in more than 40 days of lost time for your business.

ROI 8:1 to 15:1

Studies show that your DAM investments pay for themselves within a very short time.

Only invest in smart systems

Shardien offers you what a modern digital asset management system must be able to do. Smarter, Faster, More Flexible.


Version chaos? Not with Sharedien!

Sharedien brings absolute transparency and clarity to your version controls and easily excludes duplicates. This gives all users the peace of mind that they are working on the right version and that every change is transparently traceable.

Your assets,
Your control

With Sharedien, you can flexibly design access permissions and roles as you need them - universally or individually for campaigns, assets and external agency partners.


Productivity at the highest level

Edit your images directly in Sharedien thanks to the integration of your layout software! Whether cropping, scaling, removing backgrounds, rotating, mirroring, transforming or exporting into various formats: with Sharedien you don't even have to change the programme!


Productivity at the highest level

Edit your images directly in Sharedien thanks to the integration of your layout software! Whether cropping, scaling, removing backgrounds, rotating, mirroring, transforming or exporting into various formats: with Sharedien you don't even have to change the programme!

Expand your content

You can easily integrate platforms like Shutterstock, Getty Images or Adobe Stock into Sharedien and search, buy and license suitable image material. Then process the content using your creative tools, such as Adobe and MS Office...


Assets without limit

Upload your assets to Sharedien simply by dragging and dropping - no matter how many, what kind of assets or what size they are. Sharedien is a high-performance and fully scalable solution that can handle any challenge!


Artificial Asset Intelligence brings you into the future of smart DAM

Smart features allow automatic tagging, cropping, categorising and exporting in different file formats already during upload - even with large amounts of image data. Furthermore, thanks to our strong AI functions, similarity searches and tag-based automated recognition of further correlations are child's play.

Unlimited access for authorised persons

Sharedien can be used on any device in a UX-optimised way. Sophisticated rights and role management ensures that your content is secure and can be conveniently shared with authorised persons at the same time.


All licensing rights at a glance

Never worry about image rights again: Sharedien reliably keeps track of your licences, including licence duration, permitted media use, costs, contact persons, photographers, models, artists, agencies and the geographical coverage of the licence.

Stay up to date with the latest content with Sharedien

From best DAM practice to current industry insights, the Sharedien blog looks at marketing and technology topics.

Go to the Sharedien Blog

Criteria for choosing the right digital asset management software

Choosing the right digital asset management (DAM) software is an important decision that can have a significant impact on the efficiency and productivity of your marketing campaigns...

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Workflow management in digital asset management (DAM) systems: Optimizing Workflows for Efficient Content Production

Effective workflow management is crucial for the smooth running of business processes and the efficient production of content in a digital [...].

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What is Headless Architecture and what role does it play in relation to CMS and DAM systems?

Headless Architecture (also known as Headless CMS) is an architectural approach in which the Content Management System (CMS) is decoupled from the presentation layer...

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Contact address

Industriestrasse 50, 8304 Walisellen/Switzerland

Telephone number

+41 44 832 5030


We look forward to hearing from you


    What is Digital Asset Management (DAM)?

    A DAM system manages all your digital assets such as images, videos, presentations, audio files, PDFs or presentations in a single location. The benefits come from central access, so duplicates and outdated versions are avoided and access rights, workflows and user roles can be cleanly defined. This makes DAM an ideal basis for collaboration between internal and external users such as agencies, photographers or the press.

    Why do I need a DAM system?

    If you maintain a large number of image or video files in your company and your marketing and sales team relies on up-to-date and accurate digital assets, then a DAM solution can save you an enormous amount of time and money. On the one hand, the tedious search for suitable material in different storage locations is eliminated, and on the other hand, a modern DAM system takes over a multitude of manual tasks such as cropping images for different output channels or adding keywords to make it easier to find suitable image or video material. Another useful aspect is the reliable monitoring of image rights to avoid expensive licensing violations.

    What are the 5 most important things to consider when implementing a DAM?

    1) Data: First of all, there must be clarity about which digital assets actually exist in the company and how they are used. This can be used to formulate the requirements for the DAM system, which file types are supported and in which formats they must be present in order to map the entire lifecycle of each asset.

    2) Processes: A transparent mapping of all processes in the creation, creation, modification and output of all content elements ensures that no essential workflows can fall by the wayside. Only when it is clear how things work can they be neatly transferred to a DAM solution and optimised.

    3) Organisation: Who is responsible for which step in the content creation process? Who needs which access rights and which external users are there? Only when each user is assigned a clear role with individual access rights can the greatest possible security and effectiveness be guaranteed.

    4) Technology: For seamless, cross-system processes, the DAM solution must be integrated into the existing IT infrastructure. This includes integration with other data management systems such as product information management (PIM) solutions, as well as with layout software for more efficient image editing processes and with output channels, e-commerce channels, apps, websites, and more...

    5) Future viability: For greater investment security, preliminary considerations should be made about the planned business development. Can the user numbers, geographical coverage, multilingualism, product ranges, business departments and data model still be covered in a few years' time? A DAM solution should be flexible and scalable enough to grow with the company.

    What are the 5 biggest obstacles in a DAM implementation?

    1) No strategy: Implementation projects are often thought too short. There is a lack of a long-term view of the business development, the surrounding infrastructure, the processes and the organisation and often there is no consensus on the requirements for a DAM solution. All these aspects need to be strategically captured and neatly documented in advance, otherwise companies run the risk of creating inefficiencies and fuelling reservations among employees.

    2) No transparency: If there is no clarity from the beginning about all of the digital assets used in the company, an efficient system implementation in line with priorities, requirements and scaling needs is simply not possible.

    3) Putting trust in the wrong solution: Many companies put their trust in pure standard solutions because of supposed advantages and only become aware in the course of implementation that these out-of-the-box systems do not meet their individual requirements. As a result, necessary customising usually leads to delays during implementation and thus to higher costs and some stumbling blocks when prioritising adjustments.

    4) Lack of integration: The potential of DAM solutions is not exhausted with the mere management of digital assets. A holistic way of thinking is required when dealing with data - especially for content creation. The basis for this is formed by technologies that seamlessly interlock and thus enable truly value-creating processes.

    5) Out of touch with reality: From the last point, it is necessary to take a close look at the company's own processes in advance. Otherwise, companies run the risk of implementing solutions that cannot support their processes and organisation. The digital design of these elementary factors is one of the most important tasks of an implementation project.

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