Support geographic expansion - Sharedien

Corporate growth in many cases also means entering new markets. This always results in major challenges - not only in terms of internal processes and organisation. It is difficult to assess from the outset how the market and the competition will function at all, and those responsible for communication face the difficult task of building their own brand from the ground up.


Central digital asset management for all

With Sharedien, you offer new employees and external agencies and designers immediate access to all existing digital assets. This means that nothing stands in the way of building your brand, even in new markets. And thanks to the sophisticated user roles and permissions, you retain control over your digital content at all times.

Collaboration worldwide

Sharedien helps companies to create synergies between creative teams worldwide, to bundle tasks and to organise all communication processes efficiently and effectively, even across company and national borders. This includes team areas for information exchange, task management and intelligent workflows.


The world as a stage

It is not only internally that processes become more complex as a result of expansion into new markets. The publication of digital content also brings new requirements for image and video material with new channels. Sharedien accelerates the delivery of your web content through Content Delivery Network, bringing content closer to where users are.

Sharedien scales with you

Thanks to its cloud-based architecture, Sharedien accommodates any growth - regardless of whether new users, large amounts of data or entire business areas are added. Sharedien offers exactly the performance you need - with consistently high availability and performance. And thanks to microservices, the range of functions can also be adapted to current conditions as required.


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A list of 20 of the most commonly used marketing collaterals and a brief description of each

Discover the 20 most commonly used marketing collaterals and their brief descriptions. From brochures to business cards to online advertising, learn more about the versatile...

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What role do digital asset management systems play in content analytics?

Content analytics is an important aspect of content marketing that helps companies measure the success of their content, gain insights, and improve content strategy....

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What role do digital asset management systems play in content marketing?

Content marketing involves the creation, publication, and distribution of relevant and valuable content to engage target audiences, attract customers, and create long-term...

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Industriestrasse 50, 8304 Walisellen/Switzerland

Telephone number

+41 44 832 5030


We look forward to hearing from you


    How do DAM systems help to enter new markets?

    Anyone who wants to gain a foothold in a new market must ensure from the outset that brand communication is consistent across markets in order to make a professional appearance in the new environment. Digital asset management centrally manages a company's digital content and makes it available to all users worldwide at any time and reliably. In this way, brand-building measures can be implemented immediately and with up-to-date image, video and graphic data. This allows companies to start branding directly and ensures that only approved materials are used.

    What does geographical expansion mean for internal marketing processes?

    If the target market grows, this usually means more complexity in the editing and publishing processes of digital content. For example, new metadata must be created and managed to fit the new markets. Relevant channels must also be anticipated at an early stage and filled with high-quality product content. In some cases, geographical expansion also means that there are more internal as well as external users who need to have access to central digital asset management.

    How can Sharedien support geographic expansion?

    Sharedien can be expanded at will with new functions, users and channels to be integrated and also supports increasing data volumes as a software-as-a-service without performance losses. In addition, Sharedien provides users worldwide with a creative workspace for effective collaboration. No matter what you have in mind: Sharedien supports you!

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