Digital Asset Management in Retail - Sharedien

Where are which digital assets linked to which information?
Where are they used and in which versions are they available?
With Sharedien you always keep an overview.

Automated marketing processes give room for creativity

Time is an important factor for retailers. This is especially true since every manual step in the maintenance of product data ties up resources that are lacking for more creative tasks. In order to get campaigns and new assortments on the road as quickly as possible, automated processes are therefore an indispensable part of omnichannel marketing.


Personalisation increases product attractiveness

Consumers are used to being offered content tailored to them. They expect personalised product recommendations with the best user experience - long scrolling and searching leaves empty shopping baskets. Therefore, retailers need to find ways to make the shopping experience as comfortable and intuitive as possible. Thanks to intelligent linking of image data with product information, Sharedien offers the ideal basis for an effective customer approach.

Transparent tracking

Changes, adaptations and comments can be transparently tracked in Sharedien at any time. This means that everyone involved always has an overview of the different versions and can also cleanly design the release processes. Thanks to integrated functions for where-used lists, you retain full control over the use of your content.

Uncomplicated supplier onboarding

Especially in retail, effective data exchange between manufacturer and retailer is one of the most important prerequisites for good partner relations and efficient business processes on all sides. With Sharedien, onboarding supplier data is no longer an issue. On the contrary: intelligent functions automatically read metadata, tag images and videos without manual intervention and create the necessary derivatives to serve all channels effectively.

Guaranteed reliable data

Sharedien is the single source of truth for all your content elements and ensures the necessary topicality and consistency of your data always and everywhere. The times when marketers had to search long and hard for the right images, videos and documents and often had to decide between several versions are finally over.

For strong brands that create trust

With Sharedien, you manage all your digital assets centrally in one place - regardless of how many and which channels you deliver them to. This ensures that you send the same up-to-date messages at every touchpoint and thus achieve consistent brand communication.


More finding in linked image worlds

What is special about Sharedien is its innovative technological approach, which among other things allows for an extremely flexible data model. This makes it possible to map individually suitable structures for each company, which optimally support the unique business processes. All digital assets are intelligently and intensively linked with each other, so that long searches for relevant material are finally a thing of the past. This alone can significantly shorten the time-to-market, which makes campaigns and new product launches particularly efficient.

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What role do digital asset management systems play in content analytics?

Content analytics is an important aspect of content marketing that helps companies measure the success of their content, gain insights, and improve content strategy....

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Content marketing

Content marketing is a marketing strategy that involves creating and distributing high-quality, relevant, and engaging content to attract, inform, and engage a target audience....

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Integration stack

Integrations - the foundation for content hubs The concept of content hubs takes into account the fact that communication-related systems today [...]

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+41 44 832 5030


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