ETH Zurich decides to implement Sharedien with brix

As the central university library and knowledge hub of ETH Zurich, the ETH Library offers around 17 million analog and digital media covering a wide range of subject areas. For the management and presentation of image collections, E-Pics, based on Canto Cumulus digital asset management software, has been a steadily growing platform used by over 5,000 visitors daily for many years. However, this platform will reach its end of life at the end of 2023, which is why a replacement had to be sought by means of a WTO tender.

We are pleased to have won this tender for a new DAM system and the provision of the comprehensive image catalogs together with brixIT as implementation partner. This is a great success for our teams and an important milestone in our still young partnership with brixIT.


Together with the project team of the ETH-Bibliothek, the aim is to migrate the archival collections, images from university life and marketing, photo collections and bequests, as well as images from literary archives and from art historical object collections. Thereby we are talking about


2.2 million records

73 TB storage space

+20'000 categories

This project allows us to fully leverage the enterprise potential of Sharedien and brix's many years of experience as a DAM integration and implementation partner. Our goal is to create a unique digital experience for the E-Pics visitors. " ETH relies on a strong power duo from Switzerland," says Otakar Tomes, CEO at Sharedien.

Together we will make this project a complete success - with a lot of heart and commitment.


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