Workflow-Automatisierung – reibungslose ZusammenarbeitWorkflow-Automatisierung – reibungslose Zusammenarbeit


Workflow automation - seamless collaboration

Discover how Sharedien Workspaces can help teams automate workflows and centrally manage assets.

Product Team Sharedien
October 17, 2024

Teams need more than just digital asset storage - they need seamless collaboration and efficient workflows. We have received a number of questions about Sharedien Workspaces and today we would like to give you more insight into this feature. Sharedien Workspaces is a dedicated project environment designed to automate workflows, improve organisation and simplify asset production and management. By offering customizable settings and tailored tools, Workspaces empowers teams to work smarter, not harder. On top, you can easily integrate the Workspaces into your existing environment and gain productivity without any system disruption.


Why use Workspaces for Workflow Automation?

Workspaces in Sharedien go beyond traditional Digital Asset Management (DAM) by providing a structured spacewhere teams can focus on specific tasks. Automation becomes easier when workflows are centralised and teams can streamline asset handling, approvals and feedback cycles without manual oversight.

  1. Centralized Asset Management: A Workspace provides a single location where all relevant assets, tasks, and document for a project are organized. This eliminates the need to hunt for files across multiple platforms, reducing errors and saving time.
  2. Automated Workflows: You can design automated workflows tailored to the project’s     needs. Whether it's setting up approvals for marketing campaigns or routing assets to different departments for final sign-offs, automation ensures no task is forgotten or delayed and is assigned to the right responsible.

To illustrate how Sharedien Workspaces can streamline workflow automation and optimize collaboration, let’s explore two real-world use cases. These examples show how different teams can use Workspaces to enhance efficiency and simplify complex project management processes.


Use Case 1: Marketing CampaignManagement

In a global marketing campaign, creativeteams need to collaborate across multiple regions and departments. Using aSharedien Workspace, they can automate asset distribution—ensuring that eachregion only sees the materials relevant to them. Content creators upload theirfiles, and from there, the approval workflow kicks in: automated notificationsare sent to regional managers for approval, ensuring assets are compliant, accessrights are managed and ready for use without manual intervention.

Use Case 2: Product Launch Coordination

For a product launch, multipledepartments—such as marketing, product management, and IT—need to work togetherto create content, plan releases, and align on messaging. By setting up aWorkspace dedicated to the launch, workflows can be automated to route assetsto each department for review. For example, once the product visuals areapproved, automated tasks can notify the marketing team to begin contentcreation, while IT handles the technical assets, keeping everything aligned andon schedule.

What you think? Do you need Workspaces inyour day-to-day work? Or do you have any other questions? Looking forward to hearing from you.

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Product Team Sharedien

The Sharedien product team provides insights into the latest trends, innovations, releases and best practices.



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