Brand Portal

Give internal and external employees access to all important brand elements, ensuring that the right assets, logos, colors, and more are used consistently.


In the brand portal, you manage brand guidelines together with your digital assets and make central brand messages efficiently and conveniently accessible internally and externally.


Our brand portal is set up as a content hub and central data hub, so that you can provide internal and external parties with digital assets of all types easily, specifically, and 24/7.


With the brand portal, you have full control over your digital assets and their use and maintain the look and feel of your brand at every touchpoint.

Brand Portal — essential for your brand

A brand portal helps companies standardize their brand communication and offers more security and efficiency when dealing with digital assets through central access and clear usage guidelines.

  • Consistent brand communication
  • Secure access to the latest brand assets
  • Central Content Hub
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A solution with

smart helpers.

In Sharedien, your brand-relevant assets find a digital home. Use our brand portal for your external communication and create impressive and consistent brand experiences across all channels.


Brand Guidelines

Create Brand Guidelines easily

Create brand guidelines easily Use the templates on our brand portal to create clear brand guidelines in no time at all and distribute them to your own creative teams or external partners such as agencies and freelancers.

This way, you can ensure brand consistency in content or campaign creation without the usual feedback loops. Changes to brand elements such as logos or fonts are displayed via the system so that your stakeholders and users are always up to date.



Effektiv kommunizieren

Je mehr Marketing- und Vertriebskanäle bedient werden, desto schwieriger ist es, die Markenkonsistenz zu wahren. Ein Brandportal bietet hierfür die perfekte Unterstützung für Interne wie auch Externe, indem es Markenelemente wie Logos, Farben und Bilder an einem Ort zusammenführt und für alle Beteiligten zugänglich und leicht nutzbar macht.  

Unser integriertes Brandportal stellt Ihre Markenidentität für alle Kontexte visuell dar und unterstützt Ihren Omnichannel-Marktauftritt auch ohne großen Ressourceneinsatz. Wir helfen Ihren Marketing- und Vertriebsteams, einheitliche Botschaften zu senden, und das über alle möglichen Kanäle hinweg.


data hub

Brand portals for business partners and the press

Brand and product communication usually involves an exchange with many different stakeholders, who often have individual requirements for the form and content of content.

With Sharedien, you can therefore set up various brand portals, for example for press people, to share the necessary digital assets, brand elements and guidelines. With easy-to-configure permissions, you can decisively and flexibly determine who can see and download which content.


Default rich text content

This is the default rich text value

Link here


Default rich text content

This is the default rich text value

Link here

Success stories

Learn more about our clients' successes with Sharedien.

Discover how Kärcher, the world's leading manufacturer of cleaning systems, uses Sharedien to optimize all processes related to the creation, management, and use of digital assets and create a true 360° view of all products.

Find out more here

Find out how the world's leading consumer goods company is making marketing processes more efficient and its marketing campaigns even more customer-optimized.

Find out more here


Brief answers to the most frequently asked questions.

What is a brand portal in the context of DAM?

A brand portal is a platform within a DAM system that provides all brand-relevant assets, such as logos, fonts, or colors, together with marketing content.

In addition, the brand portal can contain usage guidelines that explain the correct use of assets for all authorized stakeholders and thus ensure uniform brand presentation across all channels.

What are the benefits of a brand portal for my company?

On the one hand, a brand portal helps companies standardize their brand communication across all channels. In return, the brand portal provides internal and external access and, with the help of usage guidelines, ensures greater security and clarity with regard to the correct use of assets or your brand. This allows a brand portal to significantly minimize the risk of using outdated or inconsistent assets.

As a content hub and data hub, a brand portal also ensures that processes run smoothly and that expensive or laboriously produced digital assets are not lost in confusing folder structures, but are made available centrally.

Other Sharedien features that make your life easier.

Benefit from powerful features that improve your work processes and increase efficiency. Maximize the value of your assets.

Text-based search

Find just what you're looking for! Describe in words exactly what you want and get the right assets right away — without tags or metadata.

bento image

Text-in-image search (OCR)

Extract text from images quickly and precisely using AI. For example, metadata can be generated automatically and based on rules.

Photo Studio

In Sharedien, you can enter your image request with just a few clicks, forward it to your photo studio or other people, and precisely control the entire process.


Simplify your work with clever automation. Use Sharedien AI to automate your image data maintenance and license management.


Measure and visualize important key figures such as the general use of Sharedien, your digital assets, or even the most important meta tags, and create clear reports with just a few clicks.

Brand Portal

With the Sharedien brand portal, you can grant external partners controlled access to your digital assets. In this way, you enable agencies or press representatives to use your brand resources conveniently and securely.

Bento image

Asset transformation

Do you need an image in a different format or size? In Sharedien, you can scale and transform your images both manually and automatically to suit any output channel.

System integration

From asset creation to execution, we rely on integration to ensure that your assets are always up to date across all channels. Thanks to the API-first architecture, you benefit from interfaces to all common input and output channels.

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